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FAQs all around the pepXpress job portal

For employees

Search current job vacancies

We list all current job vacancies in our job portal. These can be sorted alphabetically according to the company name or according to the date of the ad placed. A max. of 10 offers shall be shown per page. Also use our job search with numerous filter options to display offers suiting your special criteria.

Job search

Our search engine offers you the possibility of displaying the vacancies according to different criteria such as sector, type of employment, career level, type of contract as well as country/ region and starting date of job. Just select the desired filter/s and click on "start search". Alternatively or additionally, you can search according to keywords that will check all current ads by criteria such as job title, company name or the place of employment.

Display job description

By clicking onto the respective job title, a PDF document with a detailed job description as well as contact details, will be displayed.

Retrieve information of the employer

Every advertisement box includes the logo of the respective business that placed the ad on our portal. A click on the logo will direct you to the website of that company, where you can gather more general information about the enterprise.

Training and continuing education opportunities

We also offer colleges, universities and any other kind of education institutions or individual the ability to advertise their education and training programs in our portal. For this we have created a separate section called "Training & Education Programs". It's worth it to take a look!

For the employer

Advertise your job vacancy

Do you have a job vacancy to offer? Then why not use our job portal to address interested candidates that are looking for a change of pace and new career opportunities. Advertising rates and further information can be found under the menu item "advertisement".
To advertise a job vacancy on our site, we need the following information from you:
Job title, company name and website/URL to interlink to your business site, country/area, sector, type of employment, career level, type of contract and entry date.
These criteria shall be requested in a short form, including all the necessary details, for a representation of the ad on our website. This form will be sent to you by mail, please request it from
In addition we shall integrate your company logo as a JPEG-file and the job description as PDF-file.


When advertising with jobXpress, get free access to post your vacancies on the Travel Gossip South Africa Facebook Page. Post once and watch it go viral!
Only paid jobXpress advertisers have access to this exclusive user platform and posts are limited to one post per company. Take the opportunity list all positions advertised on this very powerful platform, under a singular post.

Banner ads

If you are interested in placing banner ads (skyscraper, leaderboard, square) especially in our job portal or anywhere in pepXpress, please email us at

For educational institutions

Training and continuing education programs

We will gladly publish an advertisement for your educational institution or your training and continuing education programs as well as online applications in our portal. Advertising rates and further information can be found under the menu item "Advertise job".

If you are interested in placing banner ads (skyscraper, leaderboard, square) especially in our job portal or anywhere in pepXpress, we look forward to your inquiry to

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